Legislating Fair Housing

Legislating Fair Housing

Moderator Nani Coloretti, Former Deputy Secretary, Department Housing and Urban Development; and current SVP, Financial and Business Strategy and Treasurer, The Urban Institute

Senator Cory McCray, MD State Senator
Jeanine Worden,
Acting Assistant Secretary of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Department of Housing and Urban Development

Text/Chat from Session

00:55:59 Cory McCray: More info about BRNI https://dhcd.maryland.gov/Communities/Pages/programs/BRNI.aspx

00:57:04 Cory McCray: Affordable Housing Trust Fund developed in 2016 and saw the first funding opportunity in 2020 https://dhcd.baltimorecity.gov/nd/affordable-housing-trust-fund

00:58:29 Cory McCray: For those in Moco and Prince Georges - here is the program NED that I referenced https://dhcd.maryland.gov/Communities/Pages/StateRevitalizationPrograms/NationalCapitalStrategicEconomicDevelopmentFund.aspx

01:00:43 Eneshal Miller: Racial Equity committee are surfacing throughout Maryland, and yet hand picked representation why aren't members of the community who are impacted like lived experience residents Housing Choice Voucher recipients and or homeless residents with lived experience utilized as a oversight committee but with separate representation, the circumstances in the low-income Community have always been attacked using housing, education and policing. As a community base Organization who advocates why aren't we really providing residents representation.

01:04:14 Diana Eisenstat: How can we encourage directing housing investment that will benefit BIPOC individuals and families who want to live in neighborhoods of opportunity

01:08:08 Eneshal Miller: PHAs under DHHS definitely need a review oversight

01:09:27 Nani Coloretti: We'll be moving to audience questions next

01:10:51 Eneshal Miller: this happened to me FSS program removed me from the program and it effected my housing I won overall but it was definitely unfair practice and its repeatedly been done.

01:13:05 Nani Coloretti: if anyone else has audience questions, please post here! Diana E, I have yours

01:13:11 Viola Foreman: How are you helping the homeless people especially with children

01:21:42 Eneshal Miller: I served for 3 years as a  Commissioner Public Representative Interagency Commission Homelessness and I can assure you even within that experience bias, direct and indirect bias, conscious and unconscious bias. I can tell each of you I these group all need oversight. If you want to see those dollars get put to work provide the community real transparent representation. We need clear transparent representation.

01:22:21 Cory McCray: Senate Bill 155 - https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/2021RS/chapters_noln/Ch_257_sb0155T.pdf

01:22:51 Cory McCray: My contact info is cory.mccray@senate.state.md.us Please never hesitate to reach out if I can be of assistance

01:24:51 Events 1: Thank you for joining this session!  To choose your next breakout session, please navigate back to the event page. https://www.affordablehousingconference.org/2021-affordable-housing-summit

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